Chicken soup for the soul

Yesterday marked our 1 month anniversary in Oslo. It's been an interesting ride thus far.
We have survived indifferent (and often misleading) service from the body that is responsible for our student accomodation. Let's take the most recent example. Each of our rooms including our kitchen has a radiator. This is of great importance as temperatures here even in summer can go down to 11 degrees. Unfortunately, Jose K's radiator was not working so we went to inform the housing people aka The Troll Lady and her Minions. This is how the encounter went:
Jose K: "Hello, the radiator in my room is not working. Can you help?"
Troll Lady: "It is summer and the radiators are not supposed to be working yet."
(Troll Lady shoots Jose K and me a stony unhelpful look expecting us to meekly walk back to our cold rooms and shiver until winter. However....)
Jose K: (politely) "Then why do all the other radiators in the apartment work?"
Troll Lady: (DAMN, they saw through my plot) ".... I have no idea!.... Then I suppose that something could be wrong. You will have to inform the caretakers and since it is already 4pm Friday, you can only do that on Monday."
Jose K/me:1 Troll Lady:0
Apart from those encounters, life has been falling into place slowly and surely. School has started proper, we've met our professors and we've shared a couple of beers with our respective classmates. Good beginnings.
Our first meal in Oslo was a chicken dinner so we thought it was apt to celebrate this 1st month anniversary with a pot of chicken soup.
It was warm and good for the soul.
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