Fire Drill
There's really been nothing much going on since the last blog.
I'm still in the middle of my exams. My last paper is on Monday. Bjorg just finished hers today. As with my last paper her 6 hour exam question consisted of one rather short sentence.
Even the sun-seekers aren't out because its been raining the past two weeks. There has been some sun occasionally here and there but its been a little too cold to lay outside. I never realized until now that you can actually have rather long conversations with people about the weather.
The most interesting recent event would probably be the fire alarm going off in the building. This happens about every two months. The alarm usually goes off because someone in the building has left the frozen pizza in the oven too long.
By the way, we may have mentioned this before but Norwegians are supposed to be the biggest pizza consumers in hte world. No one can live in Norway and not try "Grandiosa" frozen pizza. It tastes nothing like any pizza you've ever had - and thats not a good thing. Its rather stiff and hurts the roof of your mouth if your not careful. That said, the pizza restaurants here like Dolly Dimple's and Peppe's Pizza are pretty good (although you can't get one for less than US$30).
Anyway, here are some pictures of the fire truck and the bored looking firemen who had to come all dressed up.

Needless to say, there has been a lot of internet surfing going on and here's an interesting site I came across when I suddenly felt like listening to the theme song from the "Green Hornet" (the one with Bruce Lee in it). Its got theme songs from all the TV shows. Like Dallas, Falcon Crest, Bonanza, Magnum PI...even the Andy Griffith Show.
I most certainly have watched a lot of TV.
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