Baby, you can drive my car

Anonymous and I had an exchange recently about conservation efforts and petrol guzzling cars. You can read it here:
Accordingly, I thought it was quite appropriate to write about small cars in this blog entry.
When I first arrived in Oslo, I was quite intrigued (and amused) at the sight of these small cars being driven around. I mean, we get the Mini and the Beetle back home but these cuties were even smaller and as we all know, the average Norwegian is generally larger than the average Singaporean.
I later found out from a friend who comes from Germany that these cars are manufactured by Daimler-Benz and originally designed by Swatch. Here's the link to their website
The smart fortwo coupe/cabrio is only 2.5 m in length which means that you can park two of these cars in a regular parking lot. Ok, here are a few important specifications for you technical people out there:
Engine capacity: 698 cc
Max. power: 45 kW at 5,250 rpm
Maximum speed: 135 km/h (electronically limited)
The fuel consumption is rated at 4.2 litres/ 100 km for combined highway and city driving (highway: 3.8 litres/100 km, city: 4.6 litres/100 km).
That's not too shabby...
So my question is how come there are listed dealerships for Smart cars in Malaysia but none for Singapore?
What a nifty looking vehicle! Reminds me of Noddy's car chug chugging along in Noddy Town (Noddy is lost to those who were not children in the 70's).
Would make a nice Christmas present, might even be able to stuff one into a stocking. Just a thought (hint, hint....).
So why don't we have these nifty, earth friendly Noddy cars in Singapore you ask? The mind boggles. Well possibly because its still going to be unaffordable to a lot of Singaporeans once you slap on the COE and taxes. It might be cheaper to buy a Vespa scooter with a side car attached to it. Also the looming fear that everyone will want one and then everybody will stop using the MRT and start zipping around in their Noddy cars. Can you imagine what a nightmare that will turn out to be for the folks who have been so cleverly designing our land transport system?
Don't know to be honest, but think its a dandy idea. I would like a Noddy car.
BTW - was looking out for this weeks installment on your blog page. Hear from you folks soon.
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