Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Love from Granny- the Norwegian way

We recently bought a box of flatbrød to try.

Flatbrød according to Wikipedia means 'flat bread', it was a staple food of Norwegian shepherds and peasants.

We bought this particular brand 'Mors Flatbrød' (Mors means mother's) because the granny on the box just looked so... well you know, exactly what a nice Norwegian granny should look like. I mean, look at her.. that smile, that little shawl on her shoulders, that checked apron. How can you possibly resist her? (I wonder how they held auditions for this one).

Technically, with my limited Norwegian, I thought the brand should have been called bestemors (Grandmother's) flatbrød but then again, maybe it just doesn't have the same ring in Norwegian.

Ok, flatbrød is traditionally eaten with salted meats and soup according to Wikipedia. This was verified by the picture on the back of the box. See here.

Peering into the box....looks like arts and craft cardboard eh?

It comes in large sheets!

Now check out how thin the flatbrød is.

Being poor students, we couldn't afford salted meats and we were just lazy to cook soup. So we just put lots of margarine onto the flatbrød.

Verdict? The margarine was tasty. The flatbrød? It's crispy. Jose K thinks it tastes like bread. I thought it tasted like communion wafers.

I think I still prefer the traditional Chinese grandmother expressions of love via tonic soups. It's a cultural thing.


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